Nebraska Game and Parks Commission


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LaGrange, Ted, and Randy Stutheit. April 15, 2011. Wetland Management Guidelines for Nebraska's Wildlife Management Areas. Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. 27 pp.


Prior to Euro-American settlement, wetlands covered about 6% of the Nebraska landscape. Since settlement, the state’s wetlands have suffered serious decline. For example, approximately 90% of Rainwater Basin playa wetlands and 90% of the eastern saline wetlands have been destroyed or are highly degraded. Remaining wetlands are threatened by conversion to other uses (e.g. agriculture), invasive and aggressive vegetation, siltation, and lack of proper management. Only through sound management can the wetlands on our Wildlife Management Areas (WMA) be preserved for the citizens of Nebraska, as well as the native plants and wildlife dependent on them.

This section is directed towards management that maintains and enhances the ecological character and biodiversity of wetlands on WMAs. Though directed toward management of the vegetation community, the objectives and strategies promoted within this section will provide direct benefits for wildlife.

The specific objectives of this section are as follows:

1) Build upon the philosophy of wetland management for WMA managers.

2) Provide background information on the need for, and benefits of, sound wetland management.

3) Provide information that will assist managers to identify wetland types, their ecological quality, and their management and restoration needs.

4) Provide information on sound wetland management techniques.

5) Provide minimum management strategies and options for use on WMAs.

Though this information has been developed specifically for managers of WMAs, other conservation land managers and private landowners may find it useful as well.
