Nebraskiana: Resources and Materials on the 37th State


Nebraskiana Publications

Date of this Version



Published by Lincoln, Nebraska, United States: Mid-America Webpress, 1970


Excerpt from the prologue:

Passenger growth has led to expansion of facilities at both the Omaha and Lincoln airports; but like many others in the nation, they are rapidly becoming congested. The Federal Aviation Administration, the State Government officials, and many civic leaders in Nebraska are now becoming aware of the need for establishing a regional airport for the Eastern Nebraska region in order to promote and handle international air transportation for the future. People are also beginning to think of such a modern airport as an essential factor in bringing new industries to Nebraska and in shaping the urbanization of the Midwest.

Currently, facilities at Omaha's Eppley Airfield are being expanded, and plans for expansion of facilities at Lincoln Municipal Airport are being formulated. The disadvantage of this approach is that airports within the region are being planned, organized and operated largely as independent entities without regard to integrated long-range regional needs. It is the purpose of this study to present the concept of an airport for the eastern Nebraska region, as one alternative for meeting future air transportation needs. The plan is conceptual in nature and is intended to serve as a general guide for public discussion of the regional airport proposal. More detailed studies for its implementation would be required.

This study was initiated in the spring of 1967. Its first phase, concerning background factors and the resources of the Lincoln- Omaha region, was completed in a preliminary report in March 1968. Its second phase, the Concept Plan for a regional airport, was developed in the spring of 1969. During the fall months, at the request of Lincoln and Omaha business leaders who sponsored the publication of this study, the total work was revised and enlarged.


Air Transportation Development

Socio-economic Considerations

Physical Considerations

Site Selection Metholodology

Airport Financing

Regional Development Concepts

International Airport Plan

Program for Plan Implementation
