"The Nebraska Transcript, Spring 2020, Vol. 53 No. 1"

Law, College of



Date of this Version

Spring 2020

Document Type



The Nebraska Transcript, Spring 2020, Vol. 53 No. 1


Copyright 2020 University of Nebraska


2 Dean's Message

4 Faculty Notes

10 Civil Procedure, State Con Law scholar, Jonathan Marshfield, joins Nebraska Law

11 Remembering Steve Kalish

14 Remembering Marty Gardner: Long time faculty member, Gardner loved teaching, prioritized students. Professor Marty Gardner passed away late November 2019. His longtime friend and colleague, Professor Robert Denicola, remembers his kindness and love of teaching.

17 University hosts FCC Chairman Ajit Pai

18 Nebraska Law Hosts 12th Annual Nebraska Space Law Conference

20 Women’s Leadership Initiative features former ACLU president Nadine Strossen

29 Football agent Mulugheta maintains, ‘For success, be all in, but find balance' David Mulugheta, ’10, currently serves as equity partner with Athletes First.

21 Magilton hosts NASA’s first female general counsel at Mentorship Brunch

21 Dunn-Wall Selected for 2019 Diverse Student ADR Summit

22 Yale Law Professor Justin Driver delivers annual Lane Lecture

23 Students volunteer for ‘legal triage’ at Project Connect Lincoln

24 Former Governor, U.S. Senator Kerrey delivers 4th Annual Bruning Lecture

25 Hon. Riko Bishop addresses December graduates

27 Marcy Tintera retires after 42 years of dedicated service to University

28 Colberg retires after 35-year career at the College of Law

29 Football agent Mulugheta maintains, ‘For success, be all in, but find balance'

32 Tyler uses legal, business backgrounds to create ‘legal matchmaking’ website

34 AlumNotes

44 In Memoriam: Dean G. Kratz, ’49; Robert E. Bramson, ’50; Jess Conrad Nielsen, ’51; Dale C. Putman, ’52; David B. Downing, ’53; Cyrus (Cy) A. Johnson, ’53; Stephen C. Flansburg, ’56; Frank J. Barrett, ’59; Roger A. Langeheim, ’60; Charles F. Noren, ’61; Don H. Sherwood, ’61; James “Sedg” L. Sedgwick, ’64; Ralph M. Anderson, ’65; Byron W. Fallesen, ’65; William Hume “Bill” Everett III, ’67; Alden A. “Abe” Abraham, ’70; Gary G. Chunka, ’70; David R. Parker, ’70; Samuel “Sam” F. Seever, ’70; Alan H. Curtiss, ’71; Gary E. Lacey, ’71; Thomas R. Hickey, ’75; Richard A. Maughmer, ’79; Dennis D. Thompson, ’80; Robert P. “Bob” Goodwin, ’81; Scott C. Cleal, ’84; Daniel L. Aschwege, ’86; Thomas P. “Tom” Patterson, ’90; Daniel E. Pullen, ’91; Claudine K. Thorne, ’92; Steven D. Woofter, ’06; Murray R. Schmoker, ’07; Lucille Griess Rolfes

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