"The Nebraska Transcript, Fall 2019, Vol. 52 No. 2"

Law, College of



Date of this Version

Fall 2019

Document Type



The Nebraska Transcript, Fall 2019, Vol. 52 No. 2


Copyright 2019 University of Nebraska


1 Dean's Message

2 Faculty Notes

6 Lenich retirement — Lenich retires after 35 years of service: Professor John Lenich reflects on his 35-year career at the College of Law.

10 Moberly named interim executive vice chancellor

11 Shavers named College's acting dean — Shavers appointed acting dean: Professor Anna Shavers serves as acting dean during Richard Moberly’s time as UNL’s interim executive vice chancellor

12 Jessica Shoemaker spends year as a Fulbright Chair in Canada— Shoemaker reflects on her year as a Fulbright Scholar: Professor Jessica Shoemaker spent the 2018-2019 academic year as the Fulbright Canada Research Chair in Aboriginal Legal and Resource Rights at the University of Alberta Faculty of Law in Edmonton, Canada.

15 Nebraska Law teams finish first, second at regional Client Counseling Competition

16 Lengeling named Fellow in Rural Summer Legal Corps

16 Barton wins Ed Mendrzycki Essay Contest

17 Ramirez Guerra awarded Peggy Browning Fellowship

18 Sayre selected for summer Army JAG internship program

18 Pro Bono Research Fellows assist attorneys

19 Eight selected for Order of the Barristers

19 Wall awarded the 2019 Koley Jessen Entrepreneurship Award

20 Bakken and Seim receive Student Award for Outstanding Impact through Pro Bono Service

21 Gradwohl family brings “The Defamation Experience” to the College of Law

22 Foss delivers spring commencement address — Foss shares criminal justice reform message with graduates: Prosecutor Impact founder Foss challenges graduates to reconsider the role of the prosecutor.

25 Role of prosecutors ripe for reinvention, speaker tells NU law school grads

27 Bradford, Perry, Anderson, Kathurima recognized by Dean’s Advisory Board

28 AlumNotes

32 In Memoriam: Thomas E. Brogan, ’43; Roy I. Anderson, ’49; Donald W. Pederson, ’54; Gilbert (Gil) M. Gunderson, ’55; Joseph J. Brown, ’56; Charles F. Fitzke, ’58; Duane C. Feichtinger, ’59; Alfred J. Kortum, ’60; David L. Herzog, ’62; Thomas H. Dorwart, ’64; Rady A. Johnson, ’64; Gary L. Scristmeier, ’67; Robert O. Hippe, ’68; Robert A. Klein, ’69; Terry R. Schaaf, ’70; Mark D. McGuire, ’73; William H. Reetz, ’74; Lori L. Wilson, ’79

36 Report on Giving

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