Nebraska Journal on Advancing Justice
Aims & Scope
The Nebraska Journal on Advancing Justice aims to discuss essential issues from not only legal perspectives but also the perspectives of members of the communities that are impacted by these issues. Issues that are hoping to be addressed in the inaugural volume and volumes in the future include but are not limited to prison law, civil rights, and immigration law, amongst other areas that are connected to the public interest and consistent with our mission statement. As aligned with the mission of the journal, NJAJ is seeking submissions from non-academic authors. In addition, NJAJ is seeking non-traditional submissions such as visual art, music, and poetry.
The mission of NJAJ is provided below:
The Nebraska Journal on Advancing Justice is an online, peer-reviewed, and open-access law journal that aims to provide a forum for robust and creative scholarly engagement from academics, researchers, judges, lawyers, people who are justice-impacted, and community members on issues of advancing justice for all. The Journal is committed to promoting intellectual discourse, methodologically diverse knowledge production, and critical analysis of legal and policy issues that impact people and groups in Nebraska, nationally, and globally.
If there is a question regarding the medium or topic of a submission, please contact