Nebraska Network 21


Date of this Version

February 1999


The Nebraska Annual Social Indicators Surveys (NASIS) produce current, topical information about Nebraskans and monitor change in quality of life.
The 1997 NASIS included questions that addressed four broad areas of public input:
• Perceptions of higher education institutions and educational needs
• Perceptions of the University of Nebraska and its programs
• Awareness and perceptions of University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension and its programs
• Use of electronic and communications technology in the home and workplace
Data were collected via telephone surveys. Data addressing perceptions about higher education were collected November 1997 through January 1998 from a random sample of 1827 households. Data about the use of electronic and communication technology were collected June 1998 through August 1998 from a new sample of 1800 households. Data were weighted so the responses represent Nebraskans according to age, sex, and geographic region.
