Nutrition and Health Sciences, Department of


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Poster presented for NUTR 498b: Global Research Experiences in Nutrition, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Spring 2020.


Copyright (c) 2020 Julianne Fay


PURPOSE: To examine the relationship between iron-deficient anemia and malaria in primary school children in Southern Ethiopia and Zambia and assess the correlation between diet and health status.

METHODS: Market inventories, observations at health outposts, and interviews and anthropometric assessments of 6th and 7th grade students.

RESULTS: Both Ethiopia and Zambia had 20 iron-rich foods available in local markets. Only liver consumption was associated with malaria experience; those who consumed liver were significantly less likely to have had the disease (p

DISCUSSION: Given the high prevalence of malaria in Southern Ethiopia and Zambia, and the correlation between liver consumption and malaria experience, nutrition education concerning iron-rich foods is essential.
