Open Educational Resources
Date of this Version
Document Type
Academic Success Booklet Resource, v.2, 508, v. 3, rev. 59
United States Depertment of Education, 2024
Strategies to Improve Student Achievement
A once-in-a-generation pandemic has had a once-in-a-generation impact on our nation’s children and youth. That is why, since day one, the Biden-Harris Administration has worked aggressively to safely reopen schools and keep them open, help students recover academically, support their mental health and well-being, and address teacher and staffing challenges many communities face.
While American Rescue Plan (ARP) funds have helped fuel important progress toward academic recovery, we have much work to do to get students back to – and beyond – pre-pandemic levels of achievement. This will require continued and additional actions, commitments, and investments by state, local, and education leaders and partners at all levels. It will also take a cross-sector approach and strong partnerships among education leaders, community organizations, healthcare teams, and others to provide the supports students and their families need. The Administration is calling on all States, districts, schools, and the many community organizations that support them to redouble efforts for the remainder of this year, including specific steps in three key areas:
1. Addressing Chronic Absenteeism
2. Providing High-Dosage Tutoring
3. Providing Summer, and Expanded/Afterschool Learning Programs
To further support these efforts, this resource provides information on key actions that stakeholders at all levels can take to increase academic success through proven, evidence-based strategies.
United States government work