"Specific Genomic Regions in Common Bean Condition Resistance to Multip" by Phillip N. Miklas, Valerie Stone et al.

Agricultural Research Division of IANR


Date of this Version



Miklas, P., V. Stone, C.A. Urrea, and J.S. Beaver. 1997. Specific genomic regions in common bean condition resistance to multiple pathogens. HortScience 32(3):451.


A genetic linkage map of 170 RAPD markers mapped across 79 recombinant inbred lines (Dorado and XAN-176) reveal genomic regions that condition multiple disease resistance to fungal (Ashy Stem Blight—Macrophomina phaseolina), viral (bean golden mosaic virus— BGMV), and bacterial (common bacterial blight—Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli) pathogens of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). A genomic site on linkage group US-1 had a major effect, explaining 18%, 34%, and 40% of the variation in phenotypic reaction to ashy stem blight, BGMV, and common bacterial blight disease, respectively. Adjacent to this region was a QTL conditioning 23% of the variation in reaction to another fungal pathogen, web blight (Thanatephorus cucumeris). A second genomic site on linkage group US-1 had minor affect on multiple resistance expression to the same fungal (15%), viral (15%), and bacterial (10%) pathogens. It is unknown whether these specific genomic regions represent a series of linked QTL affecting resistance to each disease separately or an individual locus with pleiotropic effect against all three pathogens.
