Agricultural Research Division of IANR
Date of this Version
Three cattle growth trials were conducted to evaluate the use of untreated and alkali-treated wheat straw as energy sources for ruminants. In trial 1, daily gain decreased as level of untreated wheat straw increased in the diet. A 14% decrease in gain occurred when the level of straw was increased from 30 to 40% of the diet. In trial 2, cattle fed 4% NaOH-treated wheat straw at the 30 or 60% level had better daily gains and feed efficieneies (Pvs. .54 kg/day). In addition, in this trial, cattle fed 50% treated wheat straw gained faster (Pvs. .62 kg/day).
Published in Journal of Animal Science, Vol. 51, No. 2, 1981. Used by permission.