"Registration of 6NDRFG-1 Six-Rowed Barley Germplasm Line with Partial " by Carlos A. Urrea, Richard D. Horsley et al.

Agricultural Research Division of IANR


Date of this Version



Urrea, C.A., R.D. Horsley, B.J. Steffenson, and J.D. Franckowiak. 2002. Registration of 6NDRFG-1 six-rowed barley germplasm line with partial Fusarium head blight resistance. Crop Sci. 42:675.


The six-rowed spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) germ plasm line 6NDRFG-1 (Reg. no. GP-136, PI 615583) was developed by the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station and tested as C95-167-250-9. 6NDRFG-1 has partial resistance to Fusarium head blight (FHB) (incited by Fusarium graminearum Schw.) that is expressed as reduced numbers of FHB infected kernels and more significantly as reduced concentrations of the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON). 6NDRFG-1 is an F3:7 selection from the cross ‘Foster’/CIho 4196. Foster (PI 592758) (Horsley et al., 1997) is a six-rowed malting barley susceptible to FHB and adapted for growth in the upper Mid-west USA. CIho 4196 is an FHB resistant two-rowed accession received from China in 1925 and held in the USDA National Small Grains Collection.

6NDRFG-1 has a sessile six-rowed spike (vvII ), semi-smooth lemma awns, and glume awn length equal to the length of the glume. Its covered kernels have long rachilla hairs and a white aleurone. Unlike many of the six-rowed genotypes with good FHB resistance, 6NDRFG-1 does not derive its resistance from‘Chevron’ (PI 38061) or Chevron-derived lines (Prom et al., 1996). This may be advantageous because Chevron and resistant Chevron-derived progeny generally have fewer plump kernels and lower malt extract (Gebhardt et al., 1992). Thus, 6NDRFG-1 represents a six-rowed source of FHB resistance that may have alleles for acceptable malt quality not found in Chevron.
