"Comparison of mass, F<sub>2</sub>-derived family, and single-seed-desc" by Carlos A. Urrea and Shree P. Singh

Agricultural Research Division of IANR


Date of this Version



Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 1994, 74(3): 461-464. doi:10.4141/cjps94-085.


Knowledge of comparative effectiveness of different selection method is necessary for identification of superior genotypes, efficient management of populations, and use of available resources. Mass, F2-derived-family, and single-seed-descent (SSD) selection methods were compared in an interracial population (ICA pijao x Pinto UI 114) of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). The F2-derived-family -method involved elimination of low-yielding F2-derived families in replicated yield trials in F4, F5 and F6. Thirty-two random lines derived from each method and the two parents were evaluated in a replicates-in-set design in two contrasting environments in Colombia in 1992. Mean seed yield of lines derived from the SSD method was significantly lower than yields obtained from the other two methods. Mean yield of lines derived from the pedigree method was the highest, indicating that even a low intensity of selection for yield among F2-derived families was effective. The F2-derived-family method also retained a comparatively higher proportion of lines with lighter-colored medium-sized seeds and indeterminate prostrate type III growth habit. Lines with darker and smaller seeds predominated in the mass and SSD methods. These two groups also had more erect type II lines than did the F2-derived family method. On average, the SSD gave early maturing and the mass method late maturing lines. No line from any method outyielded ICA Pijao, the high-yielding parent. Two lines from the F2-derived-family method, four Iines from the mass method, and no lines from the SSD method significantly outyielded Pinto UI 114.
