Department of Physics and Astronomy: Publications and Other Research


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Published in The Astrophysical Journal 222:784-799, 1978. Copyright (c) 1978 The American Astronomical Society. Used by permission.


The three-dimensional galaxy distribution in the region of space surrounding the two rich clusters Coma and A1367 is analyzed by using a nearly complete redshift sample of 238 galaxies with mp < 15.0 in a 260 degree2 region of the sky; 44 of these redshifts are reported here for the first time. We find that the two clusters are enveloped in a common supercluster which also contains four groups and a population of isolated galaxies. The least dense portions of the Coma/A1367 supercluster have a density which is approximately 6 times that of the Local Supercluster in the regions of our own Galaxy. In front of the Coma/A1367 supercluster we find eight distinct groups or clouds but no evidence for a significant number of isolated "field" galaxies. In addition, there are large regions of space with radii r > 20 h Mpc where there appear to be no galaxies whatever. Since tidal disruption is probably responsible for the isolated component of supercluster galaxies, the observations suggest that all galaxies are (or once were) members of groups or clusters. A number of related topics with more general significance are also discussed

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