An Extension of the Rishon Model, Paul Finkler
Relativistic momentum, Paul Finkler
Numerical study of a high-order quasiconserved quantity in the Henon-Heiles problem, Paul Finkler, C. Edward Jones, and Glenn A. Sowell
Construction of a quasiconserved quantity in the Henon-Heiles problem using a single set of variables, Paul Finkler, C. Edward Jones, and Glenn A. Sowell
Possible conserved quantity for the Henon-Heiles problem, Paul Finkler, C. Edward Jones, and Glenn A. Sowell
Self-consistent phases in topological particle theory, Paul Finkler and C. Edward Jones
Derivation of discrete invariances (T, C, and P) and the connection between spin and statistics in topological particle theory, C. E. Jones and Paul Finkler
Bilinear equation for the cylinder with overlap and the Pomeron residue, Paul Finkler and C. Edward Jones
Path Integrals with Arbitrary Generators and the Eigenfunction Problem, William B. Campbell, Paul Finkler, C. E. Jones, and M. N. Misheloff
Path-integral formulation of scattering theory, Paul Finkler, C. Edward Jones, and M. Misheloff
Deduction of asymptotic Steinmann relations from the Regge hypothesis, Paul Finkler, C. Edward Jones, and M. Misheloff
Existence of Fixed Poles and Their Role in Conspiracy, Paul Finkler
Limited Resurrection of the Born Approximation, Paul Finkler
On the Relation between Hard-Core and Velocity-Dependent Potentials: An Application to the Photonuclear Sum Rules, Paul Finkler and H. S. Valk
Evaluation of the Dispersion Relations of Photoproduction, Paul Finkler