"Some "Do's" and "Don't's" for Using Computers in Science Instruction" by Glenn A. Sowell and Robert Fuller

Department of Physics and Astronomy: Publications and Other Research


Date of this Version

November 1990


Published in JCST November 1990. Copyright 1990. Used by permission.


As science researchers and professors, we have had a fairly broad collection of experiences in using computers, from batch-processing and number crunching in large computer systems using FORTRAN and symbolic languages to teaching problem-solving courses for nonscience students using personal computers. While we claim no special computer expertise, we both own computers and are frequently called upon to offer advice to our colleagues who are greater novices than we are. Hence, on the basis of reflections on our experiences and observations of what we have seen other people and institutions do, we have compiled a list of “Do’s” and “Don’ts” about computer-assisted instruction, software, and hardware.

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