Department of Physics and Astronomy: Publications and Other Research


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Thin Solid Films 531 (2013)


[Fe/Pt/Cu]18 multilayer films with different Cu thicknesses were prepared on thermally oxidized Si (111) substrates at room temperature using dc- and rf-magnetron sputtering. The magnetic proper-ties and microstructure of [Fe/Pt/Cu]18 multilayer films annealed at various temperatures have been investigated. Compared with pure [Fe/Pt]18 multilayer films low-temperature ordering and (001) ori-entation in the annealed films with Cu volume concentration below 20% can be obtained. During annealing process Cu atoms diffused into FePt lattice which enhanced the diffusion of Fe and Pt atoms and the grain growth of the films. The perpendicular anisotropy and hard magnetic properties of the films deteriorated with increasing Cu volume concentration due to the formation of L10 Fe-CuPt2 phase.

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