Department of Physics and Astronomy: Publications and Other Research
Anthony F. Starace Publications
He was:
George Holmes University Professor
Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Lincoln, Nebraska 68588 United States
Research Interests:
Theory of intense laser-atom interactions; single and multiphoton detachment and ionization processes; harmonic generation; intense, short laser pulse interactions with matter; few-body dynamics; atoms in strong static fields; coherent control of atomic processes; and entanglement and decoherence of spin-based quantum information systems.
Electron Correlation Effects in Nonresonant Multiphoton Ionization Processes, Anthony F. Starace
Transition-Matrix Theory for Two–Photon Ionization of Rare–Gas Atoms and Isoelectronic Ions with Application to Argon, Anthony F. Starace and Tsin-Fu Jiang
Comment on "Molecular Description of Two-Electron Atoms", Anthony F. Starace and Joseph H. Macek
Electric-dipole matrix-element formulas in hyperspherical coordinates with applications to H- and He, Chang-Hwan Park, Anthony F. Starace, Jiang Tan, and Chii-Dong Lin
Photoelectron angular distributions for atomic chlorine, Siamak Shahabi and Anthony F. Starace
Use of the Fock expansion for 1state wave functions of two-electron atoms and ions, James M. Feagin, Joseph Macek, and Anthony F. Starace
Electron doubly differential cross section for 0.5-MeV H--He detachment collisions, Chang-Hwan Park, Anthony F. Starace, and Joseph Macek
Effects of Magnetic and Electric Fields on Highly Excited Atoms, Charles W. Clark, K. T. Lu, and Anthony F. Starace
H- and He in a uniform magnetic field: Ground-state wave functions, energies, and binding energies for fields below 109 G, Chang-Hwan Park and Anthony F. Starace
Photoionization of atomic chlorine above the 1S threshold, Siamak Shahabi , Anthony F. Starace, and T.N. Chang
Atomic Photoionization, Anthony F. Starace
Comment on coefficients of fractional parentage of the form (l2l+1|}l2l+2), Anthony F. Starace
Ionic-configuration-interaction effects on Xe 5s-subshell photoionization processes, Göran Wendin and Anthony F. Starace
Photoelectron angular distributions: energy dependence for s subshells, Steven T. Manson and Anthony F. Starace
Book Review: The Theory of Atomic Structure and Spectra by Robert D. Cowan, Anthony F. Starace
New Perspectives on Electron Correlations, Anthony F. Starace
Polarization of fluorescence radiation subsequent to inner-shell photoionization: LS-coupling formulas, Anthony F. Starace
Review of Atoms and Molecules by M. Weissbluth, Anthony F. Starace
Random-phase approximation to one-body transition matrix elements for open-shell atoms, Anthony F. Starace and Siamak Shahabi
Photoionization of the 4d10 subshell of cadmium: Photoelectron angular distributions and polarization of fluorescence radiation, Constantine E. Theodosiou, Anthony F. Starace, B.R. Tambe, and Steven T. Manson
Addendum to "Ab initio treatment of final-state spin-orbit interactions: Photoionization of the 6s electron in cesium", Keh-Ning Huang and Anthony F. Starace
Photoionization of the 5s subshell of xenon: A multichannel K-matrix calculation including spin-orbit interactions, Keh-Ning Huang and Anthony F. Starace
Photoionization cross section for He in the hyperspherical coordinate method, Donald L. Miller and Anthony F. Starace
Trends in the theory of atomic photoionization, Anthony F. Starace
A Graphical Method for Calculating First Order Transition Matrices for Open-Shell Atoms in the Random Phase Approximation, Anthony F. Starace and Siamak Shahabi
Ab initio treatment of final-state spin-orbit interactions: Photoionization of the 6s electron in cesium, Keh-Ning Huang and Anthony F. Starace
Photoionization of chalcogen and halogen atoms: Cross sections and angular distributions, Steven T. Manson, Alfred Msezane, Anthony F. Starace, and Siamak Shahabi
Corrigendum to "Effect of elliptically polarised light on the angular distribution of photoelectrons", James A. R. Samson and Anthony F. Starace
Atomic Hydrogen in a Uniform Magnetic Field: Low-lying Energy Levels for Fields below 109 G, Anthony F. Starace and Gary L. Webster
Graphical approach to the spin-orbit interaction, Keh-Ning Huang and Anthony F. Starace
Perturbation theory in a strong-interaction regime with application to 4d-subshell spectra of Ba and La, Göran Wendin and Anthony F. Starace
Measurement of the Xenon σ3/2:σ1/2 Branching Ratio within the Xe 5s5p66p(1P1) Resonance, Peter C. Kemeny, James A. R. Samson, and Anthony F. Starace
Behavior of partial cross sections and branching ratios in the neighborhood of a resonance, Anthony F. Starace
Photoelectron Angular Distributions of s Electrons in Open-Shell Atoms, Anthony F. Starace, Robert H. Rast, and Steven T. Manson
The Quantum Defect Theory Approach, Anthony F. Starace
Photoinization cross sections for atomic chlorine using an open-shell random-phase approximation, Anthony F. Starace and Lloyd Armstrong Jr.
Effects of anisotropic electron-ion interactions in atomic photoelectron angular distributions, Dan Dill, Anthony F. Starace, and Steven T. Manson
Gauge invariance and radiative transition probabilities, Ian P. Grant and Anthony F. Starace
2P3/2:2P1/2 partial photoionization cross-section ratios in the rare gases , James A.R. Samson, J.L. Gardner, and Anthony F. Starace
Effect of Elliptically Polarized Light on the Angular Distribution of Photoelectrons, James A. R. Samson and Anthony F. Starace
Photoelectron Angular Distributions as a Probe of Anisotropic Electron-Ion Interactions, Dan Dill, Steven T. Manson, and Anthony F. Starace
Angular Distribution of Photoelectrons from Atomic Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Carbon, Steven T. Manson, David J. Kennedy, Anthony F. Starace, and Dan Dill
Effect of virtual 4d-shell excitations on rare earth spectra, Anthony F. Starace
Photoelectron angular distributions, cross sections, and branching ratios for atomic oxygen, Anthony F. Starace, Steven T. Manson, and David J. Kennedy
Absolute line strengths by analysis of Lu-Fano plots with application to excited state transitions in neon, Anthony F. Starace
Comment on "Length and Velocity Formulas in Approximate Oscillator-Strength Calculations", Anthony F. Starace
Quasi-Landau spectrum of a hydrogen like atom in a high magnetic field, Anthony F. Starace
Potential-Barrier Effects in Photoabsorption. III. Application to 4d-Shell Photoabsorption in Lanthanum, J.L. Dehmer and Anthony F. Starace
Potential-Barrier Effects in Photoabsorption. I. General Theory, Anthony F. Starace
Raising of Discrete Levels into the Far Continuum, J.L. Dehmer, Anthony F. Starace, U. Fano, J. Sugar, and J.W. Cooper
Length and Velocity Formulas in Approximate Oscillator-Strength Calculations, Anthony F. Starace
Photoionization of Argon and Xenon Including Final-State Correlation, Anthony F. Starace