"Ferroelectric and multiferroic tunnel junctions" by Evgeny Y. Tsymbal, Alexei Gruverman et al.

Department of Physics and Astronomy: Publications and Other Research


Date of this Version



MRS BULLETIN 37, 138-143 (2012).


Copyright © 2012 Materials Research Society. Used by permission.


The phenomenon of electron tunneling has been known since the advent of quantum mechanics, but continues to enrich our understanding of many fi elds of physics, as well as creating sub-fi elds on its own. Spin-dependent tunneling in magnetic tunnel junctions has aroused considerable interest and development. In parallel with this endeavor, recent advances in thin-fi lm ferroelectrics have demonstrated the possibility of achieving stable and switchable ferroelectric polarization in nanometer-thick fi lms. This discovery opened the possibility of using thin-fi lm ferroelectrics as barriers in magnetic tunnel junctions, thus merging the fi elds of magnetism, ferroelectricity, and spin-polarized transport into an exciting and promising area of novel research. Nowadays, this research has become an important constituent of a broader effort in multiferroic materials and heterostructures that involves rich fundamental science and offers a potential for applications in novel multifunctional devices. The purpose of this article is to review recent developments in ferroelectric and multiferroic tunnel junctions. Starting from the concept of electron tunneling, we fi rst discuss the key properties of magnetic tunnel junctions and then assess key functional characteristics of ferroelectric and multiferroic tunnel junctions. We discuss the recent demonstrations of giant resistive switching observed in ferroelectric tunnel junctions and the new concept of electrically controlling the spin polarization in magnetic tunnel junctions with a ferroelectric tunnel barrier.
