"Dollar Spot Fungus <i>Sclerotinla homoeocarpa</i> Produces Oxalic Aci" by R. C. Venu, Robert A. Beaulieu et al.

Plant Pathology Department


Document Type


Date of this Version



International Turfgrass Society Research Journal Volume 11, 2009


Copyright 2009 The Authors


Dollar spot, caused by Sclerotinia homoeocarpa,. is one of the most devastating diseases of turfgrass worldwide. Many fungi belonging to the genus Sclerotinia produce oxalic acid along with pectolytic cell wall-degrading enzymes. A series of in vitro experiments showed the relationships among temperature, pH, mycelial growth and acid production. Mycelial growth and acid production were most abundant when S. homoeocarpa was grown between 20 and 30°C. Acid production by S. homoeocarpa appeared to be dependent upon the pH of the environment in which it was grown. High performance liquid chromatography analysis of spent broth revealed the presence of oxalic acid. Thus, as reported in other species of Sclerotinia, oxalic acid is produced by S. homoeocarpa. This is the first published report describing the production of oxalic acid by S. homoeocarpa.
