Plant Pathology Department


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Chapter in 2016 Crop Production Clinic Proceedings, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, pp. 158-160.


Copyright © 2016 The Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska.


The 2015 corn crop was impacted by several corn diseases from the beginning to the end of the season and in all areas of Nebraska. The increased severity and incidence of some diseases was largely due to the extended periods of favorable weather conditions in varying parts of the state that supported the increase in some diseases. In particular, frequent rainfall and high relative humidity were especially favorable for several fungal diseases. Unfortunately, almost all diseases of corn (except rusts) are caused by pathogens that can successfully overwinter in Nebraska. For this reason, making detailed notes on disease development and history for every field will help you both anticipate which diseases will be problematic in the future and better manage them.

Northern Corn Leaf Blight ... Management

Gray Leaf Spot

Stalk Rot Diseases ... Scouting for Stalk Rot Diseases ... Assessing stalk rot diseases and standability ... Management

Other Diseases ... Southern Rust ... Goss's Bacterial Wilt and Blight

For More Information
