Plant Pathology Department


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Date of this Version



Plant Disease Management Reports 8, FC186 (2013).


Copyright © 2013 The American Phytopathological Society. Used by permission.


A foliar fungicide efficacy timing trial was conducted at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln South Central Agricultural Laboratory near Clay Center, NE. Corn hybrid NK ‘N68B’, rating of “fair” (7 out of 9) for gray leaf spot (GLS), not rated for common rust (CR), and “excellent” (2 out of 9) for southern rust (SR), was planted on 15 May in 30-in. rows at a target population of 31,763 plants/A. The trial area was disked with corn as the previous year’s crop. Nine treatments and a nontreated control were replicated six times in a randomized complete block design. Each plot was four rows (10 ft) wide by 40 ft in length. . . . There were significant differences among treatments for stay green as percentages ranged from 39.6 % to 48.6%. There were significant differences among treatments for percent lodging ranged from 0.8% to 7.5%. Five hundred-count kernel weights ranged from 5.43 oz to 5.56 oz. Grain moisture at harvest ranged from 16.5% to 17.0%. Yields for fungicide treatments ranged from 201.9 bu/A for Stratego YLD 4.18 SC, 2 fl oz/A, V4 to 216.9 bu/A for Stratego YLD 4.18 SC, 4 fl oz/A, V11. The non-treated control had a yield of 206.8 bu/A. There were significant differences among treatments for yield.
