"Impacts of Drought on Disease Development and Management" by Stephen Wegulo, Loren Giesler et al.

Plant Pathology Department


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Date of this Version



Chapter in 2013 Crop Production Clinic Proceedings, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, pp. 125-127.


Copyright © 2013 The Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska.


Drought conditions such as those that occurred in Nebraska in 2012 can impact the development of plant diseases. In general drought slows down or prevents the development of plant diseases caused by pathogens that thrive under moist conditions. However, some diseases are favored by drought. This is because when plants are stressed due to lack of moisture or excessive heat, they become more susceptible to these diseases. This article presents examples of diseases of agronomic crops favored by drought and how to manage them. Data are provided on the effect of dry or wet conditions on the profitability of applying fungicides to control foliar fungal diseases of wheat.

Charcoal Rot Diseases of Field Crops

Aspergillus Ear Rot and Aflatoxin Contamination

Fusarium Diseases

Phoma Black Stem of Sunflower

Root and Crown Diseases of Wheat

Management of Foliar Diseases of Wheat with Fungicides in a Dry versus a Wet Growing Season
