Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education


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The idea for this booklet came from the Lilly Endowment Incorporated's Faculty Development Conference in Indianapolis earlier this year. Before that conference, we each received a booklet which included the program schedule, a list of participants and single paragraph bios, and a one-page description of each program represented at the conference. I was fascinated by the diversity of "faculty development" programs, and by the varied backgrounds and interests of their staffs. We decided, therefore, to put together a similar booklet for participants in this POD Conference as a part of our "Information Fair." This booklet includes all of the program descriptions (generally in the order received) which I received as of Tuesday, October 12, the names and addresses of participants, and the conference program. It does not include the single paragraph bios. My apologies to all of you who prepared and sent them in. When all of the duplicating equipment at the University of Rhode Island broke down, the expense of including that information became prohibitive. Fortunately, Steve Scholl was able to get most of the other material copied at Ohio Wesleyan. My apologies too, if I mislaid any of your program descriptions and left them out of the booklet. Otherwise, I hope you find the booklet interesting and helpful. I have enjoyed reading your materials.
