Psychology, Department of
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Date of this Version
Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 42:2 (May 2020), pp. 215–234.
doi: 10.1177/07399 86320915649
The current study examines the moderating role of traditional machismo on mental health outcomes. We hypothesized that machismo would enhance the effects of stressors that are incongruent with traditional machismo beliefs (discrimination, adverse childhood experiences [ACEs], and fear of deportation) on depression and anxiety outcomes but would not enhance stressors that are congruent (harsh working conditions and poverty) on depression and anxiety. Participants were 190 male Mexican migrant farmworkers. As hypothesized, endorsing high traditional machismo was associated with stronger effects of fear of deportation and discrimination on depression outcomes compared with low traditional machismo. The interaction of machismo and ACEs was not significant in predicting depression or anxiety. Moreover, machismo did not moderate the effects of poverty or harsh working conditions on depression or anxiety outcomes. Results partially supported our hypotheses and suggested that the effect of machismo on depression may be better understood in the context of value incongruent stressors.
Copyright © 2020 Laura M. Acosta, Arthur R. Andrews III, M. Natalia Acosta Canchila, and Athena K. Ramos. Published by SAGE. Used by permission.