Psychology, Department of
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Most factors influencing the risk of pedestrian injury for children are based on family considerations or community norms, not on individuals. Nevertheless, individual risk factors should be considered when planning prevention programs (Christoffel, Donovan et al. 1996). The potential importance of individual traits has been extensively studied in the hope of finding a factor that could be modified. Considerations of the individual are important because they largely define the child’s risk of injury, even while walking with others. The causal sequence of a child walking to a particular site at a particular time where he or she is injured is at least partly unique to that child. Various prevention strategies that might successfully interrupt a specific causal sequence include approaches related to the individual.
Published in Proceedings of a Multidisciplinary Conference. Reducing Childhood Pedestrian Injuries: Proceedings of a Multidisciplinary Conference is a publication of the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, part of the U.S. Department of Transportation.