The painting at right is by John William Waterhouse: "Psyche Opening the Golden Box" (1903)


The effects of task demands on the equivalence of visual and auditory representations of periodic numerical data, Kimberly D. Turnage, Terri L. Bonebright, Dion C. Buhman, and John H. Flowers

The Right to a Family Environment for Children with Disabilities, Victoria Weisz


One-trial context fear conditioning as a function of the interstimulus interval, Rick A. Bevins and John J. B. Ayres

Morphine Taste Conditioning and Analgesia: Assessing Conditioned and Novelty-Induced Analgesia, Rick A. Bevins, Joanne M. Valone, Melinda C. Bradley, and Michael T. Bardo

Memory Processes in Elderly Eyewitnesses: What We Know and What We Don’t Know, Brian H. Bornstein

Learning Lessons From Sunk Costs, Brian H. Bornstein and Gretchin B. Chapman

A comparison of item and source forgetting, Brian H. Bornstein and Denny C. LeCompte

Visual distinctiveness can enhance recency effects, Brian H. Bornstein, Craig B. Neely, and Denny C. LeCompte

Developmental Paths in Adolescence: Commentary, Lisa J. Crockett

Pathways Through Adolescence: An Overview, Lisa J. Crockett and Ann C. Crouter

"Preface" to Pathways Through Adolescence: Individual Development in Relation to Social Contexts, Lisa J. Crockett and Ann C. Crouter

The Impact of Humor on Energy, Tension, Task Choices, and Attributions: Exploring Hypotheses from Toughness Theory, Richard A. Dienstbier

Democratic Participation in a Community of Learners: Loris Malaguzzi's Philosophy of Education as Relationship , Carolyn P. Edwards

Review of Child Care in Russia: In Transition by Jean Ispa, Carolyn P. Edwards

Review of Vivian Gussin Paley, You Can't Say You Can't Play , Carolyn P. Edwards

Relationship among Adolescent Reports of Social Anxiety, Anxiety, and Depressive Symptoms, Heidi M. Inderbitzen and Debra A. Hope

The relationship between homophobia, peer counseling effectiveness, and peer counseling self-confidence, Marc T. Kiviniemi

Analyzing Correlations of Three Types in Selected Lines of Drosophila melanogaster That Have Evolved Stable Extreme Geotactic Performance, Scott F. Stoltenberg, Jerry Hirsch, and Stewart H. Berlocher


Factors affecting rats' location during conditioned suppression training, Rick A. Bevins and John J. B. Ayres

Extra-Legal Factors and Product Liability: The Influence of Mock Jurors’ Demographic Characteristics and Intuitions about the Cause of an Injury, Brian H. Bornstein and Michelle Rajki

Social Networks and Daily Activities of Street Youth in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, Regina Campos, Marcela Raffaelli, Walter Ude, Marilia Greco, Andrea Ruff, Jon Rolf, Carlos Mauricio Antunes, Neal Halsey, Dirceu Greco, Mauro Jeronymo, Carl Kendall, Alice Payne Merritt, Jorge Andrade Pinto, Eliana Siqueira, and Barbara de Zalduondo

Promoting Collaborative Learning in the Early Childhood Classroom: Reggio Emilia, Italy, and Amherst, Massachusetts., Carolyn P. Edwards, Lella Gandini, and John Nimmo

Socialization of Children’s Vicarious Emotional Responding and Prosocial Behavior: Relations With Mothers' Perceptions of Children's Emotional Reactivity , Richard A. Fabes, Nancy Eisenberg, Mariss Karbon, Jane Bernzweig, Anna Lee Speer, and Gustavo Carlo

Mind and Measurement: Review of Daniel Algom (ed.), Psychophysical Approaches to Cognition, John H. Flowers

A Multiplicative Model of the Dispositional Antecedents of a Prosocial Behavior: Predicting More of the People More of the Time, George Knight, Lora G. Johnson, Gustavo Carlo, and Nancy Eisenberg

“Introduction” to Integrative Views of Motivation, Cognition, and Emotion, William D. Spaulding

The Identification and Reporting of Physical Abuse by Physicians: A Review and Implications for Research, Jody E. Warner and David J. Hansen


Extending Continuous Versus Discontinuous Conditioned Stimuli Before Versus After Unconditioned Stimuli, Melody Albert, Sean Ricker, Rick A. Bevins, and John J.B. Ayres

Preventive Interventions in Early Adolescence: Developmental and Contextual Challenges, Bonnie L. Barber and Lisa J. Crockett

Early Adolescent Family Formation, Lisa J. Crockett

Pregnancy Prevention in Early Adolescence: A Developmental Perspective, Lisa J. Crockett and Joanne S. Chopak

Father’s Presence and Young Children’s Behavioral and Cognitive Adjustment, Lisa J. Crockett, David J. Eggebeen, and Alan J. Hawkins

Behavioral Sex Differences in Children of Diverse Cultures: The Case of Nurturance to Infants, Carolyn P. Edwards

“Sound” alternatives to visual graphics for exploratory data analysis, John H. Flowers and Terry A. Hauer

“Introduction” to Developmental Perspectives on Motivation, Janis Jacobs

Long-Term Consequences of Childhood Physical Abuse, Robin Malinosky-Rummell and David J. Hansen

A Longitudinal Investigation of the Relationship Between Educational Investment and Adolescent Sexual Activity, Christine McCauley Ohannessian and Lisa J. Crockett

Relations Between Social Skills and High-Risk Sexual Interactions Among Adolescents, Douglas W. Nangle and David J. Hansen

Sexual Practices and Attitudes of Street Youth in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, Marcela Raffaelli, Regina Campos, Alice Payne Merritt, Eliana Siqueira, Carlos Mauricio Antunes, Richard Parker, Marilia Greco, Dirceu Greco, Neal Halsey, Elizabeth Bolt, Mauro Lucio Jeronymo, Carl Kendall, Zelia Ottoni, Jorge Andrade Pinto, Jon Rolf, Andrea Ruff, Walter Ude, and Barbara de Zalduondo



One-trial backward excitatory fear conditioning transfers across contexts, Rick A. Bevins and John J. B. Ayres

Rats’ location during conditioned suppression training, Rick A. Bevins and John J. B. Ayres

Effects of Expectancy on Assessing Covariation in Data: “Prior Belief” versus “Meaning”, Dorritt Billman, Brian H. Bornstein, and Jeffrey Richards

Mutual Impacts of Toughening on Crises and Losses, Richard A. Dienstbier

Creating Safe Places for Conflict Resolution to Happen, Carolyn P. Edwards

The ear’s versus the eye’s potential to assess characteristics of numeric data: Are we too visuocentric?, John H. Flowers and Terry A. Hauer

Assessment of Anxiety in Social Interaction and Being Observed by Others: The Social Interaction Anxiety Scale and the Social Phobia Scale, Richard G. Heimberg, Gregory P. Mueller, Craig S. Holt, Debra A. Hope, and Michael R. Liebowitz

Validity of the Distinction between Generalized Social Phobia and Avoidant Personality Disorder, James D. Herbert, Debra A. Hope, and Alan S. Bellack

Avoidant Personality Disorder and the Generalized Subtype of Social Phobia, Craig S. Holt, Richard G. Heimberg, and Debra A. Hope

Situational Domains of Social Phobia, Craig S. Holt, Richard G. Heimberg, Debra A. Hope, and Michael R. Liebowitz

In Stories We Trust: Studies of the Validity of Autobiographies, George S. Howard, Arthur C. Maerlender, Paul R. Myers, and Tom D. Curtin

Using the Project Approach with Toddlers, Debbie LeeKeenan and Carolyn P. Edwards

Sibling Confl ict in Early Adolescence, Marcela Raffaelli


States of Mind Model and Cognitive Change in Treated Social Phobics, Monroe A. Bruch, Richard G. Heimberg, and Debra A. Hope

The Altruistic Personality: In What Contexts Is It Apparent?, Gustavo Carlo, Nancy Eisenberg, Debra Troyer, Galen Switzer, and Anna L. Speer

Cognitive Processes and Prosocial Behaviors Among Children: The Role of Affective Attributions and Reconciliations, Gustavo Carlo, George Knight, Nancy Eisenberg, and Ken J. Rotenberg

Trait Psychology Comes of Age, Paul T. Costa Jr. and Robert McCrae

Personality and Socialization Correlates of Vicarious Emotional Responding, Nancy Eisenberg, Richard Fabes, Mark Schaller, Paul Miller, Gustavo Carlo, Rick Poulin, Cindy Shea, and Rita Shell

Patterns of Appraisal and Coping Across Different Stressor Conditions Among Former Prisoners of War With and Without Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, John A. Fairbank, David J. Hansen, and James M. Fitterling

Priming by “predictive” context stimuli in visual classification, John H. Flowers, Dorie Reed, and Thomas D. Green

Concurrent Validity of the Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory, James D. Herbert, Alan S. Bellack, and Debra A. Hope

Introduction of Psychology and Aging: Nebraska Symposium on Motivation 1991, Theo Sonderegger

Moral versus Social-Conventional Reasoning: A Narrative and Cultural Critique, Carol S. Witherell and Carolyn P. Edwards


Introduction of 38th Session of the Nebraska Symposium on Motivation, Richard A. Dienstbier

Priming effects in perceptual classification, John H. Flowers

Evaluating the States of Mind Model: Comparison to an Alternative Model and Effects of Method of Cognitive Assessment, Richard G. Heimberg, Monroe A. Bruch, Debra A. Hope, and Mark Dombeck

Cognitive Behavioral Group Treatment for Social Phobia: Comparison with a Credible Placebo Control, Richard G. Heimberg, Cynthia S. Dodge, Debra A. Hope, Charles R. Kennedy, Linda J. Zollo, and Robert E. Becker

DSM-III-R Subtypes of Social Phobia: Comparison of Generalized Social Phobics and Public Speaking Phobics, Richard G. Heimberg, Debra A. Hope, Cynthia S. Dodge, and Robert E. Becker

Social Anxiety and the Recall of Interpersonal Information, Debra A. Hope, Richard G. Heimberg, and John F. Klein

Representations of the Self in Social Phobia: Vulnerability to Social Threat, Debra A. Hope, Ronald M. Rapee, Richard G. Heimberg, and Mark J. Dombeck

Ecology of Depression in Late Childhood and Early Adolescence: A Profile of Daily States and Activities, Reed Larson, Marcela Raffaelli, Maryse H. Richards, Mark Ham, and Lisa Jewell



School Transitions and Adjustment During Early Adolescence, Lisa J. Crockett, Anne C. Petersen, Julie A. Graber, John E. Schulenberg, and Aaron Ebata

Arousal and Physiological Toughness: Implications for Mental and Physical Health, Richard A. Dienstbier

The Transition from Infancy to Early Childhood: A Difficult Transition, and a Difficult Theory, Carolyn P. Edwards

Teachers' Expectations About the Timing of Developmental Skills: A Cross-Cultural Study, Carolyn P. Edwards and Lella Gandini

Creativity and Perception, John H. Flowers and Calvin P. Garbin

Attentional Focus and Causal Attributions in Social Phobia: Implications from Social Psychology, Debra A. Hope, David A. Gansler, and Richard G. Heimberg

Pig Vocalizations Under Selected Husbandry Practices, H. Xin, J. A. DeShazer, and Daniel W. Leger


Evaluation of the Social Interaction Self-Statement Test with a Social Phobic Population, Cynthia S. Dodge, Debra A. Hope, Richard G. Heimberg, and Robert E. Becker

The Relations of Pubertal Status to Intrapersonal Changes in Young Adolescents, Lorah D. Dorn, Lisa J. Crockett, and Anne C. Petersen

The Validity of the Social Avoidance and Distress Scale and the Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale with Social Phobic Patients, Richard G. Heimberg, Debra A. Hope, Ronald M. Rapee, and Monroe A. Bruch

Public and Private Self-Consciousness and Social Phobia, Debra A. Hope and Richard G. Heimberg


Maternal and Nutritional Contributions to Infant Rats’Activational Responses to Ingestion, Brian H. Bornstein, Leslie M. Terry, and Joseph A. Browde Jr.

Pubertal status and psychosocial development: Findings from the Early Adolescence Study, Lisa J. Crockett and Anne C. Petersen

Congruence between Objective and Self-Report Data in a Sample of Young Adolescents, Lisa J. Crockett, John E. Schulenberg, and Anne C. Petersen

Catecholamine Training Effects from Exercise Programs: A Bridge to Exercise-Temperament Relationships, Richard A. Dienstbier; Robert L. LaGuardia,; Marc Barnes; Gerald Tharp; and Richard J. Schmidt

The Relationship of Temperament to Tolerance of Cold and Heat: Beyond “Cold Hands-Warm Heart”, Richard A. Dienstbier, Robert L. LaGuardia, and Noreen S. Wilcox

The Effects of Day Care Participation on Parent-Infant Interaction at Home, Carolyn P. Edwards, Mary Ellin Logue, Sandra R. Loehr, and Sanford B. Roth


Another Style of Competence: The Caregiving Child, Carolyn P. Edwards

Cross‑Cultural Research on Kohlberg's Stages: The Basis for Consensus, Carolyn P. Edwards

The Influence of Model Infant Group Care on Parent/Child Interaction at Home., Carolyn P. Edwards, Mary Ellin Logue, Sandra Loehr, and Sanford Roth


Rationality, Culture, and the Construction of “Ethical Discourse”: A Comparative Perspective , Carolyn P. Edwards

How does familiarity affect visual search for letter strings?, John H. Flowers and Doris J. Lohr

Effects of Interpersonal Problem-Solving Training With Chronic Aftercare Patients on Problem-Solving Component Skills and Effectiveness of Solutions, David J. Hansen, Janet S. St. Lawrence, and Karen A. Christoff

Pubertal Timing and Grade Effects on Adjustment, Anne C. Petersen and Lisa J. Crockett


The role of emotion in moral socialization, Richard A. Dienstbier

The Age Group Labels and Categories of Preschool Children, Carolyn P. Edwards

Neuropsychological Performance of Sexual Assaulters and Pedophiles, Monte L. Scott, James K. Cole, Stephen E. McKay, Charles J. Golden, and Kenneth R. Liggett


Talking with Young Children about Social Ideas, Carolyn P. Edwards, Mary Ellin Logue, and Anna Sargent Russell