Public Policy Center, University of Nebraska


Date of this Version



Prepared for the Nebraska Department of Education by the University of Nebraska Public Policy Center, 2020

Also available at



This toolkit provides guidance for school threat assessment teams to encourage the reporting of concerning behavior that may threaten safety and security of schools. Part I (“Reporting School Violence Before it Happens”) provides an overview of the importance of reporting school violence, and outlines specific barriers to reporting among youth, school staff, and parents/guardians. Part II (“Developing and Implementing a Reporting Process”) provides guidance on important features of a reporting process for potential or actual violence and other safety concerns. Part III (“Special Considerations”) discusses three particular problems affecting school youth: suicide, bullying/cyberbullying, and dating- related violence and abusive relationships. Part IV provides links to helpful resources related to the topics discussed in this toolkit.

We also provide examples of material to use or adapt by your school to promote the understanding and use of a reporting system. Nebraska has developed the brand "Safe2Help" for use with reporting systems. We use "Help" instead of tell or report to let individuals know they are making a positive difference in someone's life when they make a report.
