Public Policy Center, University of Nebraska


Date of this Version



Community Mental Health Journal (2012) 48: 249-254. DOI 10.1007/s10597-011-9409-6 and DOI: 10.1197/jamia.M3241.


Copyright 2011, Springer. Used by permission.


Interviews with 32 community behavioral health providers elicited perceived benefits and barriers of using electronic health records. Themes identified were (a) quality of care, (b) privacy and security, and (c) delivery of services. Benefits to quality of care were mentioned by 100% of the providers, and barriers by 59% of providers. Barriers involving privacy and security concerns were mentioned by 100% of providers, and benefits by 22%. Barriers to delivery of services were mentioned by 97% of providers, and benefits by 66%. Most providers (81%) expressed overall positive support for electronic behavioral health records.
