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The R Journal

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The R Journal (June 2017) 9(1); Editor: Roger Bivand


Copyright 2017, The R Foundation. Open access material. License: CC BY 4.0 International


Editorial, Roger Bivand

Contributed Research Articles

iotools: High-Performance I/O Tools for R, Taylor Arnold, Michael J. Kane, and Simon Urbanek

IsoGeneGUI: Multiple Approaches for Dose-Response Analysis of Microarray Data Using R, Martin Otava, Rudradev Sengupta, Ziv Shkedy, Dan Lin, Setia Pramana, Tobias Verbeke, Philippe Haldermans, Ludwig A. Hothorn, Daniel Gerhard, Rebecca M. Kuiper, Florian Klinglmueller, and Adetayo Kasim

Network Visualization with ggplot2, Sam Tyner, François Briatte, and Heike Hofmann

OrthoPanels: An R Package for Estimating a Dynamic Panel Model with Fixed Effects Using the Orthogonal Reparameterization Approach, Mark Pickup, Paul Gustafson, Davor Cubranic, and Geoffrey Evans

The mosaic Package: Helping Students to Think with Data Using R, Randall Pruim, Daniel T Kaplan, and Nicholas J Horton

smoof: Single- and Multi-Objective Optimization Test Functions, Jakob Bossek

minval: An R package for MINimal VALidation of Stoichiometric Reactions, Daniel Osorio, Janneth González, and Andrés Pinzón

Working with Daily Climate Model Output Data in R and the futureheatwaves Package, G. Brooke Anderson, Colin Eason, and Elizabeth A. Barnes

alineR: An R Package for Optimizing Feature-Weighted Alignments and Linguistic Distances, Sean S. Downey, Guowei Sun, and Peter Norquest

Implementing a Metapopulation Bass Diffusion Model using the R Package deSolve, Jim Duggan

MDplot: Visualise Molecular Dynamics, Christian Margreitter and Chris Oostenbrink

On Some Extensions to GA Package: Hybrid Optimisation, Parallelisation and Islands Evolution, Luca Scrucca

imputeTS: Time Series Missing Value Imputation in R, Steffen Moritz and Thomas Bartz-Beielstein

The NoiseFiltersR Package: Label Noise Preprocessing in R, Pablo Morales, Julián Luengo, Luís P. F. Garcia, Ana C. Lorena, André C.P.L.F. de Carvalho, and Francisco Herrera

coxphMIC: An R Package for Sparse Estimation of Cox Proportional Hazards Models via Approximated Information Criteria, Razieh Nabi and Xiaogang Su

Update of the nlme Package to Allow a Fixed Standard Deviation of the Residual Error, Simon H. Heisterkamp, Engelbertus van Willigen, Paul-Matthias Diderichsen, and John Maringwa

EMSaov: An R Package for the Analysis of Variance with the Expected Mean Squares and its Shiny Application, Hye-Min Choe, Mijeong Kim, and Eun-Kyung Lee

GsymPoint: An R Package to Estimate the Generalized Symmetry Point, an Optimal Cut-off Point for Binary Classification in Continuous Diagnostic Tests, Mónica López-Ratón, Elisa M. Molanes-López, Emilio Letón, and Carmen Cadarso-Suárez

autoimage: Multiple Heat Maps for Projected Coordinates, Joshua P. French

Market Area Analysis for Retail and Service Locations with MCI, Thomas Wieland

PSF: Introduction to R Package for Pattern Sequence Based Forecasting Algorithm, Neeraj Bokde, Gualberto Asencio-Cortés, Francisco Martínez-Álvarez, and Kishore Kulat

flan: An R Package for Inference on Mutation Models., Adrien Mazoyer, Rémy Drouilhet, Stéphane Despréaux, and Bernard Ycart

Multilabel Classification with R Package mlr, Philipp Probst, Quay Au, Giuseppe Casalicchio, Clemens Stachl, and Bernd Bischl

Counterfactual: An R Package for Counterfactual Analysis, Mingli Chen, Victor Chernozhukov, Iván Fernández-Val, and Blaise Melly

Retrieval and Analysis of Eurostat Open Data with the eurostat Package, Leo Lahti, Janne Huovari, Markus Kainu, and Przemysław Biecek

PGEE: An R Package for Analysis of Longitudinal Data with High-Dimensional Covariates, Gul Inan and Lan Wang

BayesBinMix: An R Package for Model Based Clustering of Multivariate Binary Data, Panagiotis Papastamoulis and Magnus Rattray

pdp: An R Package for Constructing Partial Dependence Plots, Brandon M. Greenwell

checkmate: Fast Argument Checks for Defensive R Programming, Michel Lang

milr: Multiple-Instance Logistic Regression with Lasso Penalty, Ping-Yang Chen, Ching-Chuan Chen, Chun-Hao Yang, Sheng-Mao Chang, and Kuo-Jung Lee

spcadjust: An R Package for Adjusting for Estimation Error in Control Charts, Axel Gandy and Jan Terje Kvaløy

Weighted Effect Coding for Observational Data with wec, Rense Nieuwenhuis, Manfred te Grotenhuis, and Ben Pelzer

Hosting Data Packages via drat: A Case Study with Hurricane Exposure Data, G. Brooke Anderson and Dirk Eddelbuettel

News and Notes

R Foundation News, Torsten Hothorn

Conference Report: European R Users Meeting 2016, Maciej Beręsewicz, Adolfo Alvarez, Przemysław Biecek, Marcin K. Dyderski, Marcin Kosinski, Jakub Nowosad, Kamil Rotter, Alicja Szabelska-Beręsewicz, Marcin Szymkowiak, Łukasz Wawrowski, and Joanna Zyprych-Walczak

Changes on CRAN, Kurt Hornik, Uwe Ligges and Achim Zeileis

News from the Bioconductor Project, Bioconductor Core Team

Changes in R, R Core Team
