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The R Journal

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The R Journal (July 2018) 10(1); Editor: John Verzani


Copyright 2018, The R Foundation. Open access material. License: CC BY 4.0 International


Editorial, John Verzani

Contributed Research Articles

A System for an Accountable Data Analysis Process in R, Jonathan Gelfond, Martin Goros, Brian Hernandez and Alex Bokov

RealVAMS: An R Package for Fitting a Multivariate Value-added Model (VAM), Jennifer Broatch, Jennifer Green, and Andrew Karl

InfoTrad: An R Package for Estimating the Probability of Informed Trading, Duygu Çelik and Murat Tiniç

RatingScaleReduction Package: Stepwise Rating Scale Item Reduction without Predictability Loss, Waldemar W. Koczkodaj, Feng Li, and Alicja Wolny-Dominiak

mmpf: Monte-Carlo Methods for Prediction Functions, Zachary M. Jones

Generalized Additive Model Multiple Imputation by Chained Equations with Package ImputeRobust, Daniel Salfran and Martin Spiess

MGLM: An R Package for Multivariate Categorical Data Analysis, Juhyun Kim, Yiwen Zhang, Joshua Day, and Hua Zhou

ArCo: An R package to Estimate Artificial Counterfactuals, Yuri R. Fonseca, Ricardo P. Masini, Marcelo C. Medeiros, and Gabriel F. R. Vasconcelos

PanJen: An R package for Ranking Transformations in a Linear Regression, Cathrine Ulla Jensen and Toke Emil Panduro

Tackling Uncertainties of Species Distribution Model Projections with Package mopa, M. Iturbide, J. Bedia and J.M. Gutiérrez

FHDI: An R Package for Fractional Hot Deck Imputation, Jongho Im, In Ho Cho, and Jae Kwang Kim

Bayesian Testing, Variable Selection and Model Averaging in Linear Models using R with BayesVarSel, Gonzalo Garcia-Donato and Anabel Forte

onewaytests: An R Package for One-Way Tests in Independent Groups Designs, Osman Dag, Anil Dolgun, and Naime Meric Konar

Inventorymodel: An R Package for Centralized Inventory Problems, Alejandro Saavedra-Nieves

R Package imputeTestbench to Compare Imputation Methods for Univariate Time Series, Marcus W. Beck, Neeraj Bokde, Gualberto Asencio-Cortés, and Kishore Kulat

ICSOutlier: Unsupervised Outlier Detection for Low-Dimensional Contamination Structure, Aurore Archimbaud, Klaus Nordhausen, and Anne Ruiz-Gazen

rpostgis: Linking R with a PostGIS Spatial Database, David Bucklin and Mathieu Basille

lba: An R Package for Latent Budget Analysis, Enio G. Jelihovschi and Ivan Bezerra Allaman

Semiparametric Generalized Linear Models with the gldrm Package, Michael J. Wurm and Paul J. Rathouz

LP Algorithms for Portfolio Optimization: The PortfolioOptim Package, Andrzej Palczewski

Welfare, Inequality and Poverty Analysis with rtip: An Approach Based on Stochastic Dominance, Angel Berihuete, Carmen D. Ramos, and Miguel A. Sordo

dimRed and coRanking: Unifying Dimensionality Reduction in R, Guido Kraemer, Markus Reichstein, and Miguel D. Mahecha

GrpString: An R Package for Analysis of Groups of Strings, Hui Tang, Elizabeth L. Day, Molly B. Atkinson, and Norbert J. Pienta

Epistemic Game Theory: Putting Algorithms to Work, Bilge Başer and Nalan Cinemre

Residuals and Diagnostics for Binary and Ordinal Regression Models: An Introduction to the sure Package, Brandon M. Greenwell, Andrew J. McCarthy, Bradley C. Boehmke, and Dungang Liu

Advanced Bayesian Multilevel Modeling with the R Package brms, Paul-Christian Bürkner

Support Vector Machines for Survival Analysis with R, Césaire J. K. Fouodo, Inke R. König, Claus Weihs, Andreas Ziegler, and Marvin N. Wright

Nonparametric Independence Tests and k-sample Tests for Large Sample Sizes Using Package HHG, Barak Brill, Yair Heller, and Ruth Heller

Simple Features for R: Standardized Support for Spatial Vector Data, Edzer Pebesma

Pstat: An R Package to Assess Population Differentiation in Phenotypic Traits, Stéphane Blondeau Da Silva and Anne Da Silva

Collections in R: Review and Proposal, Timothy Barry

Approximating the Sum of Independent Non-Identical Binomial Random Variables, Boxiang Liu and Thomas Quertermous

cchs: An R Package for Stratified Case-Cohort Studies, Edmund Jones

Small Area Disease Risk Estimation and Visualization Using R, Paula Moraga

SetMethods: An Add-on R Package for Advanced QCA, Ioana-Elena Oana and Carsten Q. Schneider

HRM: An R Package for Analysing High-dimensional Multi-factor Repeated Measures, Martin Happ, Solomon W. Harrar and Arne C. Bathke

News and Notes

Conference Report: eRum 2018, Gergely Daróczi

R Day Report, Fernando P. Mayer, Walmes M. Zeviani, Wagner H. Bonat, Elias T. Krainski, and Paulo J. Ribeiro, Jr.

R Foundation News, Torsten Hothorn

Changes on CRAN, Kurt Hornik, Uwe Ligges and Achim Zeileis

News from the Bioconductor Project, Bioconductor Core Team

Changes in R, R Core Team
