Research and Economic Development, Office of


Date of this Version



Office of Research and Economic Development, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2016.


Copyright 2016, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Used by permission.


Foreword by Steve Goddard, Interim Vice Chancellor for Research and Economic Development

This “Major Sponsored Programs and Faculty Awards for Research and Creative Activity” booklet highlights the successes of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln faculty during the fiscal year July 1, 2015-June 30, 2016. It lists funding sources, projects and investigators on major grants and sponsored program awards received during the year; fellowships and other recognitions and honors bestowed on our faculty; books published by faculty; performances, exhibitions and other creative activity in which our faculty have engaged; and intellectual property licenses and patents issued for the products of UNL research.

At UNL we continue to grow our research enterprise, investing in big ideas, new faculty, new facilities and new opportunities. These investments of time, energy, creativity and dollars are paying off, and I am pleased to present evidence of our faculty’s accomplishments.

We’re building for the future with strategic investments in key areas of traditional and emerging research strengths. We are expanding our reach by defining our vision, seeking and supporting talented people with ambitious ideas, giving them the best facilities and the freedom to innovate and create; and pursuing partnerships necessary to tackle complex issues, solve global challenges, address national needs and enhance Nebraska’s economy.

I invite you to read about our faculty’s accomplishments in this booklet and envision the power of UNL’s innovative and collaborative research, scholarship and creative activity to solve problems and create opportunities for our state, our nation and our world.

Thank you for your interest in and support for research, scholarship and creative activity at UNL, and for making 2016 an award-winning research year!


Awards of $5 Million or More 13 Awards of $1 Million to $4,999,999 29 Awards of $250,000 to $999,999 67 Early Career Awards 71 Arts and Humanities Awards of $250,000 or More 75 Arts and Humanities Awards of $50,000 to $249,999 76 Arts and Humanities Awards of $5,000 to $49,999 78 Patents 82 License Agreements 85 Creative Activity 87 Books 90 Recognitions and Honors 97 Glossary
