Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln




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Date of this Version



Brochure released September 2018


Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. September 2018


This short paper explores 10 themes of next generation repositories, elevating what is possible, and giving competitive advantage to forward-thinking institutions who are ready to take the next step in their IR strategy.

Since the concept was first launched in 2003, over 5,200 institutions worldwide have adopted an Institutional Repository (IR) to store and manage all their academic research and archival content, publish and manage journals, and more.

In November 2017, the global Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR) published the report, Behaviours and Technical Recommendations of the COAR Next Generation Repositories Working Group¹. This sets out a framework positioning IRs as the foundation for a distributed, globally networked infrastructure for scholarly communication, publishing and knowledge sharing.

Technological advances have driven significant progress in the institutional repository (IR) space over the last 15 years, bringing new opportunities for universities to extend the reach of their research output and expertise. The COAR report on Next Generation Repositories (2017) presents the future as an IR that can offer more. This modern IR will use the latest technology and keep up with emerging trends in academia to create a future-proofed platform that optimizes the whole of your institution’s research visibility.

[Comment: Elsevier has listened to bepress's IR philosophy and created a glossy brochure to highlight the strengths of the Digital Commons platform. The advice and conception here are pragmatic and valuable for any IR on any platform. Bepress evolved the DIgital Commons based on what was successful for its users. This is Elsevier capitalizing on and recapping that community experience--in a slicker package, but based on bottom-up customer needs and development. IMO.]
