Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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While a growing awareness of racial disparities has resulted in a groundswell of support for inclusivity in scholarly publishing, we believe that the resulting initiatives would be more effective if our professional associations were able to provide training materials to help transform our workplaces and organizational cultures. As evidence of the interest and need, the project leaders of this guide have been contacted by individuals across scholarly publishing asking for resources about how to replicate workplace equity groups, what to do in cases of discrimination or microaggressions, and how to begin conversations about race. In support of necessary change, the Toolkits for Equity project leaders submitted a proposal to the 2019 Triangle Scholarly Communications Institute to create three toolkits to provide resources for our community, for allies, for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color, and for organizations. Taking our model from the American Alliance of Museums’ guides for transgender inclusion,16 these toolkits provide a common framework for analysis, a shared vocabulary and history, and best practices to address racial disparities specific to the scholarly publishing community.

• The ANTIRACISM TOOLKIT FOR ALLIES (which you are reading now) provides analyses of white advantage and information about how to disrupt racism and create work communities where everyone thrives. We wrote a guide specifically for white people because white supremacy grants unearned advantages to whites. The work of recognizing these advantages and actively resisting racism is the most crucial work that white people can embrace in order to create meaningful change.
