Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Document Type


Date of this Version



United States Copyright Office, September 2017.


U. S. government document.


The objective of the discussion document is: to review the issues raised over the past decade of revision work; to outline the Office’s current views and proposals on the various revision issues; and to present and explain model statutory language for a new section 108. Although the model statutory language should not be seen as the Office’s final view on section 108, the Office believes that it is important to provide a more concrete framework for further discussion. Additionally, the Discussion Document includes copious illustrative examples of how the Office envisions the proposals might work in practice.


Libraries, archives, and museums provide invaluable services to their users and to society at large. The United States Copyright Office believes that these institutions, along with their patrons and other members of the creative ecosystem, deserve updated, easy to understand, and balanced copyright exceptions. With this discussion document, the Office hopes that the Model Statutory Language provides a useful basis for further discussion among Congress and stakeholders within the context of the current comprehensive copyright law review process.
