Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communication, Department of
Strategic Discussions for Nebraska
Date of this Version
Document Type
SDN Volume 4 August 2013
NEBRASKA BEEF: nutritious, delicious, sustainable
Nebraska: Global Beef Industry Leader Ronnie Green
Creative Solutions Essential to the Future Larry Berger
Increased Demand for Nebraska Beef Will Require More Innovation Ronnie Green
Extension: “We’re Making a Difference in Nebraska” Chuck Hibberd
Let's Talk Beef
Flat Iron Steak
Tracking Beef
Nebraska Beef Council Supports Research, Education and Promotion Ann Marie Bosshamer
Efficiency Drives Beef Systems Research Rick Rasby
Technology Use Improves Efficiency, Sustainability Galen Erickson
50 Years of Beef Nutrition: “This is the Place Where it Comes Together” Terry Klopfenstein
Challenging Traditions: Changing Cow-Calf Production Rick Funston
Cattle Reproduction Takes Another Step Toward a Brighter Future Andrea Cupp
Cattle Genomics Research Aids Sustainability, Profitability Matt Spangler
The Science of Managing Tough Times Don Adams
Cattle Management Research Produces Safe, Affordable Food Karla Jenkins
Environmental Sustainability Drives Feedlot Research Matt Luebbe
Livestock Industry Improved Handling, Needs to Tells Its Story Better Temple Grandin
STEWARDS of the land
Maintaining the Sandhills Legacy Walter Schacht
Understanding the Ecology of the Sandhills Jerry Volesky
It All Begins With Nutrients and Water Tim Shaver
HEALTH and safety
E. coli Research Team Reducing Outbreaks, Educating Public Rod Moxley
Powerhouse Research: School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences David Hardin
USDA and UNL Collaborate to Secure World Protein Sources John Pollak
Food Safety Research Extension Benefits the World Dennis Burson
Methane and Sustainability Agriculture Samodha Fernando
Safe Food System the Result of Science, Monitoring Amy Millmier Schmidt
Ag Policy Issues Affect Beef Industry Brad Lubben
One Goal: High-Quality, Safe Beef by Ty Schmidt
UNL Meat Science is High-Payoff Science Challenging Traditions, Developing Results Chris Calkins
EDUCATING the next generation
Nebraska Beef Industry Scholars Program Trains Students to Lead Matt Spangler
Nebraska Beef Industry Scholars Spotlight: Spencer Eisenmenger Spencer Eisenmenger
Feedyard Management Internship Program Hands-on Training for Lucrative Careers Galen Erickson
Priority One: Educating Students Dennis Brink
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