Sheldon Museum of Art


Date of this Version



Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery, University of Nebraska -Lincoln, February 24-Aprill, 1984


Copyright 1984 Nebraska Art Association. Used by permission.


This exhibition is the result of a visit to the studio of Ron Slowinski in 1981. Such a visit is the surest test of one's reaction to the artist's work seen on previous occasions only in isolated examples. Such partial contacts are frequently inconclusive, but in the instance of Slowinski the impression made was sufficient to create an appetite for more. The several hours spent looking at the accumulated work of four or five years was exciting to say the least and impressive to the degree that I came away from the experience convinced that here was an artist who could and should be seen in the demanding context of a large exhibition.

Fortunately I made this visit in the company of Doriald Doe whose enthusiasm for what we had seen matched my own and, fortunately as well, he is eminently qualified to enter into the critical dialogue with the artist which is the necessary context for the organization of such an exhibition.

The result is, in every respect, the confirmation of our original impression. Here is an artist whose commitment to the business of art is total, an artist whose activity in our midst establishes a qualitative standard of a high order. The exhibition in itself represents the Sheldon Gallery's commitment to the critical appraisal and endorsement of the best work being done in our region, which is part of the best from anywhere.
