Sociology, Department of


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Date of this Version



Hill, Michael R., (Compiler). 2005. Centennial Bibliography of the History of American Sociology. Washington, DC: American Sociological Association.


© 2005 American Sociological Association


THE CENTENNIAL BIBLIOGRAPHY ON THE HISTORY OF AMERICAN SOCIOLOGY is intended as an inclusive clearinghouse for sources, studies, and other references that illuminate the origins and subsequent development of the sociological enterprise in the United States of America.2 As such, this bibliography is necessarily provisional and is envisioned as an on-going project to which further citations may be added as they are discovered and as new works are published. Due to the enormous scope of the project, and the short time frame within which the initial compilation was completed, countless useful and insightful references have been unintentionally omitted. Some portions of the citations are currently more comprehensive than others. Gaps, holes, and inexplicable lapses are the sole responsibility of the compiler, for which he not so much apologetic as he is determined to repair them. The assistance of each reader of this bibliography is earnestly enlisted to supply additional references with which they are familiar. Likewise, the current bibliography undoubtedly contains bibliographic errors due in part to the sheer impracticality of physically checking each and every item referenced herein. Again, the assistance of bibliographically astute readers is heartily enlisted to correct such errors. Readers wishing to report errors or to nominate additional candidates for inclusion in future updates of this bibliography are warmly invited to communicate corrections or recommendations together with brief explanations and complete bibliographic particulars via email to:
