Sociology, Department of


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Hill, Michael R. 2006. “Sociological Novels Reviewed in Sociology and Social Research, 1925-1958.” Sociological Origins 5 (Fall): 54-59.


Copyright 2006 Michael R. Hill


The Bibliographic Record reveals the novel as a distinctive and frequently used format for sociological inquiry and exposition. From 1925 to 1958, the pages of Sociology and Social Research identified and reviewed 140 examples of sociological novels. A bibliography of these novels is provided here, annotated with citations for the reviews in Sociology and Social Research. This “library” of sociological novels is a useful resource for research on American culture, student projects, and (not unimportantly) recreational reading that combines business with pleasure.

Under the editorship of Emory S. Bogardus, Sociology and Social Research routinely opened its pages to reviews of alternative forms of sociological expression. Instructively, Bogardus merged his interest in quantitative social measurement with a commitment to literature as a form of sociological exploration. In particular, he explored “social distances” in a variety of literary works, including novels.
