Sociology, Department of


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Hill, Michael R. 2000. Dissertations and Theses Sponsored by the Department of Sociology in the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 1905-1999: Alphabetical and Chronological Lists. Lincoln, NE: Howard’s Library.


Copyright 2000 by the George Elliott Howard Institute for Advanced Sociological Research


The year 2000 marks the centennial of the formal departmental organization of sociology at the University of Nebraska. The compilations presented here recognize and celebrate the achievements of hundreds of graduate students, my fellow alumni, who have completed masters theses and doctoral dissertations under the auspices of the Department of Sociology. These student works are constructive, often innovative additions to the advancement of knowledge, and several have been abridged in journal articles or published as books (cf., Hill 1988b). The doctoral dissertation, in particular, is a major rite de passage in the transition from student to intellectual (Deegan and Hill 1991a; Hill 1991), and it is especially appropriate, in this centennial year, to salute the corporate contributions made by graduate sociology students to the wider scholarly community. The two compilations presented here are arranged, first, alphabetically by author, and, second, chronologically by year, categorized by theses and dissertations.

The alphabetical and chronological lists presented here represent an attempt to construct a comprehensive catalog of all masters theses and doctoral dissertations written at the University of Nebraska under the auspices of the Department of Sociology in its various organizational configurations from the earliest days to the present. During its one-hundred year history, the department has formally sported a variety of monikers, beginning life in 1900 as the Department of Political Economy and Sociology. To accommodate the incorporation of George Elliott Howard’s short-lived Department of Institutional History and the reorganization of graduate studies in economics at Nebraska, the name was changed in 1906 to the Department of Political Science and Sociology, with Howard as its newly appointed Head Professor. Political science and anthropology, disciplines previously allied with sociology, eventually became independent organizational units at the University of Nebraska. The current home for sociological scholarship at Nebraska is named, simply, the Department of Sociology. Readers interested in further details concerning the professors and the early history of the Department of Sociology are directed to the sources in the Selected References, below.
