Sociology, Department of
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Hill, Michael R. 1985. “Hegemonic Life-Worlds: A Discussion of the Phenomenology of Routes and Connectivity in Planning and Design.” Paper presented to the annual meeting of the Society for Phenomenology and the Human Sciences, Chicago, October 18-20.
I. Introduction
II. The Social Context of Spatiality
I I I . Class-Ernbedded Descriptions of Routes: A Personal Example
IV. Designers and Hegemony
A. Life-World Hegemony
B. Hegemony and Opposition
E. An Example of Gender-Specific Hegemony
D. Access, Disability, Physical Design and Collective Responsibility
V. Positivist Hegemony and Destruction of Human Values
VI. Positivist Conceptions of Routes
A. Arithmetizing Paths
B. Geometrizing Paths
C. Discussion: The Maze at Hampton Court
VII. Toward the Phenomenology of Routes
A. A Program of Investigation
B. Discussion
Copyright 1985 Michael R. Hill