Sociology, Department of


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Deegan, Mary Jo and Michael R. Hill. 1987. “Preface.” Pp. xi-xii in Women and Symbolic Interaction, edited by Mary Jo Deegan and Michael R. Hill. Boston: Allen & Unwin.


Copyright 1987 Mary Jo Deegan and Michael R. Hill


To us, as feminist professors, the structural inequality of women is obvious. To our nonfeminist students, however, this inequality is often invisible. They believe, optimistically, that all women's problems have been solved or will be by the time they complete their undergraduate education. They are firm believers that American society is egalitarian and radically different from the world of ten or twenty years ago. This book is oriented toward our students and our vision. We, too, believe that people are flexible and can change, and that the United States Constitution guarantees equality for all citizens. We know, however, that women's status is not radically different from its definition a century ago, let alone a mere decade or two.
