Sociology, Department of


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Hill, Michael R. 1988. “The Intellectual Legacy of Nebraska Sociology: A Bibliographical Chronology of Separately Published Works, 1887-1989.” (Special Issue on the History of Nebraska Sociology). Mid-American Review of Sociology 13 (2): 85-103.


Copyright 1988 Michael R. Hill


The ftrst full century of sociological scholarship at the University of Nebraska rests solidly on numerous contributions to the acknowledged pinnacle of academic work: single-author monographs published by scholarly presses. Collaborative works, including jointly-authored monographs and scholarly editorial projects, round out the separately published volumes in the continually growing library of Nebraska sociology. Several works are recognized classics and have been revised and revived in various editions. The sociological work flowing from Nebraska roots is evidenced by inspection of the bibliography below.

If one wished to deftne a "Nebraska school of sociology," one could do worse than look to the major writings of the founding colleagues: George E. Howard, Roscoe Pound, Edward A. Ross, and Amos G. Warner; and to their students: Edith Abbott, Lucile Eaves, Charles Ellwood, Joyce Hertzler, Hutton Webster, and Hattie Plum Williams. From this early foundation, one looks in the present day to books and monographs by later faculty and students. Tracing the intellectual evolution of a sociological school is a large task, and the present account attempts only to articulate bibliographically the intellectual heritage of Nebraska sociology. Comprehensive discussion of the origin and history of Nebraska sociology awaits such efforts as the book project, Frontier Dreams and Visions: The Founding Years of Sociology at ,the University of Nebraska, now in preparation by Mary Jo Deegan with the assistance of Michael Ball, Michael Hill, Bruce Keith, and Agnes Reidmann. The account at hand presents only the primary data: a chronological list of the scholarly books and edited volumes of sociological import (excluding internal reports, bibliographies, and standard introduction to sociology textbooks) authored by faculty and/or students of the University of Nebraska.
