Southeast Research and Extension Center



Date of this Version



Published by the Southeast Research and Extension Center and the Southeast Extension District (1988-1992) 1-39; Copyright University of Nebraska


The Southeast Research and Extension District Alternative Agricultural Opportunities Team met on Thursday, September 15th and reviewed the state plan for the initiative "Increasing Diversity with Alternate Crop and Livestock Enterprises".

The team members present decided that the state plan would meet the planning needs for the Southeast District if it was supplemented with a list of enterprises which have the greatest potential for additional expansion in Southeast Nebraska.

The following alternate crop and livestock enterprises were identified by the committee as having the best opportunity for additional development in the district. In crops; asparagus, melons, and onions were identified while livestock enterprises included &airy, Angora goats, and fish production.

The team also recommends that they continue as a District Alternative Agriculture Opportunities Committee and they should meet annually to review the progress made in this area and to recommend deleting or adding new crop and livestock enterprises as the need arises.

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Agriculture Commons
