Southern Soybean Disease Workers
Southern Soybean Disease Workers: Conference Proceedings
Date of this Version
Southern Soybean Disease Workers, 36th Annual Meeting Proceedings (March 11-12, 2009, Pensacola Beach, Florida, United States)
Abstracts and report
Contributed papers (Jason Bond, moderator)
Effects of Diseases on Soybean Yields in the United States, 1996 to 2006. Allen Wrather and Steve Koenning
Evaluation of Soybean Cultivars for Resistance to Soybean Phomopsis Seed Decay in the Mississippi Delta. Shuxian Li, Debbie Boykin, Gabriel Sciumbato, Allen Wrather, Grover Shannon, and David Sleper
The impact of timing and fungicides on soybean disease management. Boyd Padgett, Myra Purvis, Allen Hogan, and Clayton Hollier
Foliar Fungicide Impact on Frogeye Leaf Spot, Yield and Net Returns in Mississippi Soybeans. Tom Allen, Ben Spinks, Billy Moore, Alan Blaine, and Dan Poston
SCE 08: Standards for assessing resistance to SCN. TL Niblack, GL Tylka, and H Lopez-Nicora
Frogeye Leaf Spot Control Update. Melvin Newman
Graduate student papers (Clayton Hollier, moderator)
Association of Specific Variables with Severity of Asian Soybean Rust as Assessed by GIS Analysis at the Field Level. EP Mumma, RW Schneider, and CL Robertson
Presence and pathogenicity of Neocosmospora vasinfecta in Arkansas soybeans. Amanda Greer, Cliff Coker, and Sherrie Smith
Charcoal Rot: Current Status. Alemu Mengistu
Discussion sessions
SSDW Region-wide Research Needs (Allen Wrather, moderator)
SSDW Region-wide Extension Needs (Melvin Newman moderator)
Soybean Rust Monitoring Needs (Tom Allen, moderator)
Soybean Disease Atlas Slide Viewing (Boyd Padgett, moderator)
Southern United States Soybean Disease Loss Estimator for 2008. Compiled by Stephen R. Koenning
Southern Soybean Disease Workers 2008 treasury report
Copyright 2009, the authors of the respective texts