Southern Soybean Disease Workers
Date of this Version
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Southern Soybean Disease Workers, Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting (April 6-8, 2000, Fort Walton Beach, Florida, United States)
Southern United States Soybean Disease Loss Estimate for 1999. Compiled by SR Koenning
Treasury report. Peggy S King
Invited presentation
Bean Pod Mottle: A Soybean Disease on the Rise in the New Millennium. SA Ghabrial
Contributed papers
Response of Selected Mid-South Soybean Varieties to the Reniform Nematode. GW Lawrence, KS McLean, and SM Baird
Field Response of Soybean Cultivars to the Reniform Nematode Rotylenchulus reniformis. PS King, DB Weaver, and R Rodriguez-Kabana
Approaches to Race Determination in Soybean Cyst Nematode. AJ Palmateer, ME Schmidt, SR Stetina, and JS Russin
Nematological Survey of Selected Soybean and Cotton Fields in Alabama. DG Robertson and R Rodriguez-Kabana
Soybean Meal-Based Compositions as Organic Amendments for Control of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes. CF Weaver and R Rodriguez-Kabana
Cell Selection Approach for Generating Soybean with Resistance to Macrophomina phaseolina. NA Reichert, GL Sciumbato, S-H Lin, L Chen, BL Keeling, and AL Woods
Identification of Molecular Markers Linked to a New Gene Conferring Resistance to Frogeye Leaf Spot in 'Peking' Soybean. W Yang, DB Weaver, J Qiu, and B Nielsen
Soil Physical, Chemical, and Biological Properties Associated with Sudden Death Syndrome in Southern Illinois. JP Bond, AJ Hoskins, CM Vick, SK Chong, and JS Russin
Response of Soybean Sudden Death Syndrome to Amelioration of the Soil Physical Environment. CM Vick, SK Chong, JP Bond, and JS Russin
Differential Enzyme Activity in Two Soybean Cultivars Resistant and Susceptible to Sudden Death Syndrome. SA Bates, DA Lightfoot, O Myers, Y Luo, and JS Russin
Evaluation Of Azoxystrobin On Soybean Disease, Yield, and Seed Quality. KS McLean, GW Lawrence, L Carter, and L Campbell
Soybean Disease Loss Estimates for the United States from 1996-1998. JA Wrather and WC Stienstra
Proceedings of the Southern Soybean Disease Workers are published annually by the Southern Soybean Disease Workers.
Text, references, figures, and tables are reproduced as they were submitted by authors. The opinions expressed by the participants at this conference are their own and do not necessarily represent those of the Southern Soybean Disease Workers.
Mention of a trademark or proprietary products in this proceedings does not constitute a guarantee, warranty, or endorsement of that product by the Southern Soybean Disease Workers.
Copyright 2000, the authors of the respective texts