Southern Soybean Disease Workers


Southern Soybean Disease Workers: Conference Proceedings

Date of this Version



Southern Soybean Disease Workers, Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting (March 15-16, 1997, Fort Walton Beach, Florida, United States)

Abstracts and reports


Copyright 1999, the authors of the respective texts



Business session

Soybean Disease Loss Estimate for the Southern United States during 1996. Compiled by PW Pratt

Treasurer report. GG Hammes

SSDW Committee chairmen for 1996-1997

Graduate student papers

Characterization of Races of Phytophthora sojae in Arkansas and Their Effects on Commonly Grown Cultivars. TA Jackson, TL Kirkpatrick, and JC Rupe

Induction of Defense Related Proteins During Compatible and Incompatible Soybean-Cercospora sojina Interactions. WA Baker, J Qiu, CB Lawrence, S Tuzun, and DB Weaver

Contributed papers

Performance and Cyst Nematode Resistance of Selected Soybean Cultivars in North Carolina Production Fields. SR Koenning and KR Barker

Distribution and Diversity of Heterodera glycines in Delaware. RP Mulrooney, NF Gregory, and RB Carroll

Foliar Fungicides for Frogeye Leaf Spot Control in Soybeans. AY Chambers

Characterization and Control of Soybean Severe Stunt: A New Soilborne Virus Disease of Soybean. TA Evans, RP Mulrooney, R Taylor, and RB Carroll

Results of a Preliminary Phytophthora sojae Survey in Kentucky. DE Hershman and TS Abney

Reaction of Entries in the Mississippi Soybean Varietal Trials to the Common Races of Phytophthora sojae Isolated in Mississippi in 1996. GS Sciumbato, BL Keeling, JA Fox, and JA Askew

The Impact of Phytophthora Root Rot, SDS, and Virus(es) on Yield in Soybean Variety Trials in Mississippi in 1996. IA Fox, GS Sciumbato, BL Keeling, and JE Askew, Jr

Velvetbean and Bahiagrass Effects on Yield and Nematode Populations in a Field Infested with Root-Knot and Soybean Cyst Nematodes. DB Weaver, R Rodríguez-Kábana, and DG Robertson

Velvetbean and Bahiagrass Effects on Yield and Nematode Populations in a Field Infested with Root-Knot and Other Plant-Parasitic Nematodes. R Rodríguez-Kábana, DB Weaver, CF Weaver, and DG Robertson

Susceptibility of Selected Soybean Cultivars to Lesion Nematodes. R Rodríguez-Kábana, J Pinochet, DB Weaver, and PS King

Estimating Soybean Yield Loss Caused by Rhizoctonia Foliar Blight. KC Stetina and JS Russin
