Southern Soybean Disease Workers


Date of this Version


Document Type

Conference Proceeding


Southern Soybean Disease Workers, Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meeting (March 6-8, 1994, Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States)

Abstracts and reports


Copyright 1994, the authors of the respective texts



1993-94 SSDW Committee Chairs

1993-94 SSDW Officers

Graduate student competition

Resistance of Soybean Cultivars in Maturity Group IV-VIII to Rotylenchulus reniformis. JJ Cornelius and GW Lawrence

Evaluation of Susceptibility of Soybean to Red Crown Rot caused by Calonectria crotalariae in the Field. KD Kim, JS Russin, and JP Snow

Contributed papers

Soybean Disease Loss Estimate for the Southern United States During 1993, Table 1. Estimated percent Joss of soybean yields in 1993 to disease, Table 2. Estimated reduction of soybean yields in 1993 to disease, and Table 3. Southern states soybean disease loss estimate total in bushels and dollars, 1993. Compiled by JA Wrather

Aerial Blight Associated with Delayed Maturity of Soybean. IA Fox, MA Blaine, and GL Sciumbato

Relationship of Phytophthora Resistance to Soybean Yield. GL Sciumbato., FG Hancock, JA Fox, and D Boykin

Effects of Long-Term Tillage Practices on Soil Populations of Microsclerotia of Macrophomina phaseolina. SR Kendig and JA Wrather

Effect of Maturity Group, Growth Stage, and Planting Date on Progress of Sudden Death Syndrome of Soybean. JC Rupe and EE Gebur, Jr

Additional Soybean Plant Introductions Resistant to Soybean Cyst Nematode. LD Young

Frogeye Leaf Spot Control in Soybeans with Foliar-Fungicides. AY Chambers

Interaction of the Root-Knot Nematode, Meloidogyne incognita, with Selected Weed Species Present in Soybean Fields in Louisiana. EC McGawley, JS Russin, and JL Griffin

Population Development by Meloidogyne incognita and Heterodera glycines on Soybean Stressed by Weeds and Defoliation. JS Russin, EC McGawley, and LL Griffin

Resistance to Rotylenchulus reniformis in Soybean. RT Robbins and L Rakes

Treasurer's report. GG Hammes

Proceedings of the Southern Soybean Disease Workers are published annually by the Southern Soybean Disease Workers.

Text, references, figures, and tables are reproduced as they were submitted by the authors. The opinions exposed by the participants at this conference are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of the Southern Soybean Disease Workers.

Mention of trademark or propriety products in this Proceedings does not constitute a guarantee, warranty, or endorsement of that product by the Southern Soybean Disease Workers.
