Southern Soybean Disease Workers
Date of this Version
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Southern Soybean Disease Workers, Proceedings of the 10th Annual Meeting (March 15-17, 1983, Houston, Texas, United States)
Abstracts and reports
1983 Southern Soybean Disease Workers Officers
1983 Southern Soybean Disease Workers Program Committee
Committee Chairmen
General session
Presidentiial address. W Winner
Soybean Research Needs and the American Soybean Association. KJ Smith
American Soybean Association Pesticide Assessment in the Administrative Hearing: An Educational Guide for the Agricultural Scientist. MT Olexa and AH Daniels
Soybean Disease Loss Estimate. E Koldenhoven
The influence of cultural practices on disease incidence. JG Kantzes presiding
The Relationship Between Chloride Uptake and Leaf Scorch of Soybeans. MB Parker, TP Gaines, and GJ Gascho
Effect of No-tillage on Fusarium Blight of Soybean on Delmarva. B Carroll
Effect of No-tillage on Severity of Losses from Soybean Cyst Nematode and Foliar Diseases. AY Chambers and TC McCutchen
Soybean nematodes. WS Hough presiding
Standardized Nematicide Research Report. A Wrather
Research on the Effects of Ectoparasitic Nematodes on Soybean Yields. EC McGawley
Relationship of Numbers of the Soybean Cyst Nematode and Soybean Crop Response in North Carolina. D Schmitt
Level of Resistance to Cyst Nematodes in Derived Lines of Soybeans. SC Anand and CR Shumway
Reduction of Soybean Cyst Nematodes Females by Furadan. AJ Howard
Effect of Trifluralin (Treflan) on Soybean Cyst Nematode. RD Riggs and LR Oliver
Graduate student presentations. D Schmitt presiding
Effect of Three Densities of Three Meloidogyne spp. on Soybean Growth in North Florida. CH Opperman
The Effects of Pratylenchus brachyurus on Yield Components of Soybeans. FR Koenning
Pod and Stem Infection by Phomopsis sp. during Soybean Seed Development and Maturation. JR Hicks, LJ Tomes, and DM TeKrony
New developments. G Rich, presiding
Label Amendments for Furadan in Soybeans. WS Hough
Summary of Super Tin 41 for Performance on Soybeans for Foliar Disease Control. EF Koldenhoven
Sudden Death Syndrome of Soybean: A Disease of Unknown Etiology. M Hirrel
Soybean, seed, seedling and soil-borne diseases. J Shriver presiding
Standardized Seed Treatment Research Report. MC McDaniel
Factors Affecting Survival and Density of Macrophomina in Soil. T Wyllie
Epidemiology and Control of Soybean Seed Diseases. D McGee
Evaluation for Resistance to Seed Diseases. JP Ross
Foliar, pod and stem diseases of soybeans. Mel Newman presiding
Summary of Regional Foliar Fungicide Treatments. AY Chambers and MA Newman
Disease Awareness Research Report and Data from Compromise Point System. R Smith
The Effect of Triphenyltin Hydroxide on Disease and Insect Control of Soybeans. G Whitney
Stem Canker in Tennessee: The Influence of Varieties, Foliar Sprays and Planting Dates. AY Chambers
Stem Canker in Alabama: The Effect of Varieties and Foliar Sprays. P Backman, M Crawford, and W Gazaway
Stem Canker in Mississippi: Varietal Response and Isolate Variation. B Moore
Isolation and Identification Techniques for Diaporthe phaseolorum var. caulivora. MA Crawford and PA Backman
Treasurer's report. D Smith
Copyright 1983, the authors of the respective texts