Biochemistry, Department of
Date of this Version
Document Type
Model file name: DNA-420bp-magnet-supercoil.stl
Authors: Michelle E Howell, Karin van Dijk, Kalika Mahato, Rebecca L Roston
This is a teaching model of a long, thin representation of double stranded DNA (420 bp). The DNA model has small sites on the ends where the user can glue magnets to mimic circular DNA, and to aid in manipulating the model. Disc magnets with a diameter of 1/8” or 1/10” and thickness of 1/16” can be purchased online from K&J Magnetics and glued into the magnet sites. The model is designed to go with a teaching module on DNA supercoiling. The model can be accompanied by Nucleosome and H1 histone models to demonstrate DNA packaging in the cell. The printable model is already uploaded to in the MacroMolecules shop under the name “420bp DNA (magnet)”. This model has been printed successfully using these parameters on Shapeways’ laser sintering printer in the Elasto Plastic material.
Copyright 2018 Michelle E Howell, Karin van Dijk, Kalika Mahato, Rebecca L Roston