Biochemistry, Department of


Date of this Version


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Copyright 2018 Michelle E Howell, Karin van Dijk, Rebecca L Roston


Model file name: 1lmb-DNAlong_fordimer-test6b.stl

Authors: Michelle E Howell, Karin van Dijk, Rebecca L Roston

This is a teaching model of the 19-bp segment of DNA to which Lambda repressor transcription factor interacts (PDB: 1lmb). It is in a stick representation and has been designed with sites to add magnets to illustrate binding interactions with the transcription factor. Sphere magnets with a 1/8” diameter can be purchased separately from K&J Magnets. The model can interact with the dimer form of the transcription factor. This model is designed to accompany a teaching module illustrating transcription factor-DNA binding. The printable model is already uploaded to in the MacroMolecules shop under the name “Long DNA - magnets for dimer”. This model has been printed successfully using these parameters on Shapeways’ laser sintering printer in the Strong & Flexible Plastic material.
